During the Corona virus pandemic, many of us find ourselves sequestered at home alone. What a perfect opportunity to work on writing projects you've been putting off. You might take some time to write that novel you always wanted to get down on paper, a blog article to promote your business once things get back to normal, a new website (or fresh content) to update your brand, and even an old-fashioned, hand-written letter or thank you note you've been meaning to send. There's no end to what you can write about when you stop to think. I recently formed a writing group that did not yet meet in person, when "social distancing" precluded our first session. But we did not let that stop us--instead, we regrouped to meet virtually and modified our format a bit to fit the online modality. We won't have that personal touch of gathering in each others' homes to eat, drink, and read what we've written. However, life goes on in a new shape and form that's actually more creative, as we make it up as we go. The human spirit is really quite wonderful and seeks to survive, no matter what the circumstances. So keep creating, and be well.
I'm available to support your writing efforts via phone (832-868-6100) or email (eye4content@gmail.com).